This receipt is contain the information of house detail, rent amount and as well as date of receiving rent. This receipt is used as a prof of the house rent. This can be used for the payments done either for house or an apartment.A house rent receipt is a simple receipt which is issued by the owner of the house to the tenant while receiving rent is called house rent receipt. Rent receipt is the straightforward and easy way to document all the payments and confirm it. By showing the receipt it is also probable to claim allowance for house and get relief from the financial difficulties. They are also most helpful for employees that struggle to pay rents for their rented house. The house rental allowance can also be claimed through showing house rental receipt. Taxpayers can benefit from the house rent receipt obtained from landlords. Exemptions are probably claimed by people living in a rented house by showing the house rent receipt. It is beneficial for tenants in diverse ways and is a legal document to confirm payment of house rent. A House Rent Receipt is given to the tenants by the owner of the house. A free house rent receipt template is added here for your help. Most people have to deal with house rent and to pay it they need house rent receipts.